What is the difference between a competitive cleaning company and a cheap cleaning company?
We’ve all heard the sayings “you get what you pay for” or “buyer beware.” These apply to cleaning companies to their fullest extent. It...

How well is your child’s daycare cleaned?
Aside from hospitals and clinics, most would agree schools and daycares are one of the largest hotbeds for germs and bacteria. Daycares...

Hiring a new cleaning service in Tucson is easy… But not too easy.
Competition in the janitorial service industry is fiercer than ever. And the common denominator tends to be price. Hiring a cleaning...

Cleaning and Workplace Health Promotion.
Maintaining a clean environment is important to your employees and it is sure important to customers. Just think of the negative effects...

So you have a cleaning service provider. But, who actually cleans your facility?
So, after attending building walkthroughs, receiving service and pricing proposals, listening to presentations, and reviewing all of this...

What to look for in a Commercial Cleaning Service.
Choosing the right commercial cleaning service for your business is of the utmost importance. There are many factors to consider when...

Kids are Back to School… and so is the flu, strep, and a whole slew of illnesses.
There is no doubt the incidence of illnesses greatly increases once children go back to school. It is a constant cycle that rebounds from...

Can You Clean Air? How a Green Commercial Cleaning Company Improves Indoor Air Quality.
According to the EPA “Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it...

5 Questions You Might Want to Ask Yourself to Determine if You Need ProCleaners
1. Does your business look just as dirty in the morning as it did last night? Whether you don’t contract a cleaning service or have...

What is GHS? What is an SDS?
At ProCleaners we Clean for a Better Tomorrow. That means the products that we use and the processes that we employ are not detrimental...