How to Evaluate Your Need for a Cleaning Program.

Any kind of facility can benefit from a cleaning program designed by a commercial cleaning company such as ProCleaners. But, not every cleaning program should be the same. For example, the protocols followed when cleaning a medical practice are not the same as in a retail store. This is why it is important to take a look at your work space through the eyes of the customer, patient, and employees.
Inspecting your office from an outside perspective will allow you to be critical of your business’ image and help you to identify those areas that need improvement. Inspecting key areas such as restrooms, patient rooms, or high traffic areas is important, but you must not forget to check on areas such as hallways, entrances, and items that are out of sight.
The second perspective you should take is the employee’s perspective. Talk to your staff members about any issues they might have with the cleanliness of your facility. Remember, a clean and healthy workplace is a more productive workplace. Employees will also be able to provide insights such as possible allergies to certain cleaning chemicals, sanitary supply issues, or other personal concerns.
So now you have all this information, but what can you do with it? Give it to ProCleaners! By consulting with ProCleaners, we can give you a better idea of what kind of cleaning protocols you should have in place and get you on your way to a cleaner, healthier, and more beautiful workplace.